1. I gained a Certificate of Arts Grade Examination of China with a speciality in Guzheng (a Chinese traditional musical instrument) in 2006. I am still playing Guzheng today and it has become a lifelong skill for me. I have mastered this skill and I believe that I can incorporate Guzheng into my future teaching. For example, I can teach students how to play Guzheng in music classes and lead them to explore Chinese traditional music. Moreover, I can expand the knowledge of Guzheng from a music class to a Social Studies class where students can discuss the cultural difference between China and Canada. For students who have a Chinese cultural background, it can be a good opportunity to make them feel a sense of belonging in the classroom. By doing so, students will be able to gain more knowledge about a different culture and celebrate diversity in their learning community.

2. In 2014, I gained a Certificate of Participation in Galois Contest held by University of Waterloo. Although my grade in this math contest was not high enough, I still got a recognition for willing to participate. This certificate made me believe that achievement and success are not the most important elements in one’s learning journey. Having the courage to give it a try is more valuable. As a future teacher, I will encourage my students to not be fearful of failure but to be brave enough to participate and gain some experience and learning from the process. I will tell my students that their attitudes towards learning can be more important than getting a high grade or gaining a Certificate of Excellence. The process can record all their hard work and their persistence. Therefore, it can be more valuable than the single result.

3. In 2016, I gained the $1,250, International Student Ambassador Scholarship for Post-Secondary Entry from BCCIE. When I was in grade 12, my homeroom teacher and my advisor told me to apply to it but I did not have enough confidence then. With their constant encouragement, I worked hard to write an application essay and submitted it to apply. I was excited to receive this because I did not expect that I could gain this scholarship. This scholarship made me believe that confidence is so important for one’s success. As a future teacher, I will encourage my students to believe in themselves and have the courage to try different things. In this way, they will be able to discover more of their potential and possibilities. Moreover, I believe that a proper reward system is essential in students’ development. The scholarship made me excited and willing to work harder in my future. The same situation can be applied to my future students. Therefore, I will give them appropriate rewards when they make little achievements to encourage them explore deeper and further in the future.